sexta-feira, janeiro 23, 2009

5 dias, 5 mensagens para Obama - day 5

Desta opinião, gosto particularmente. Sujeitar os EUA ao Tribunal Penal Internacional! Isso sim, era de homem... mas duvido que Obama o faça.

"About the Barack Obama administration, please tell us:

1 one thing you hope for

2 one thing you fear

3 one piece of advice you would give"

1 That Barack Obama signs up the United States to the International Criminal Court. It would be one of the best ways to signal a clean break

2 That the US fails to act in the event of renewed mass ethnic or sectarian cleansing in Iraq - as both Obama and Hillary Clinton's deeply worrying comments during the campaign suggested might happen. The idea that American forces would stay on base and/or continue their withdrawal in such circumstances would be a horrific abdication of responsibility

3 Don't wait seven years to start working all-out on a two-state solution for Israel-Palestine. A split Palestine, an Israeli election and the fresh wounds of the Gaza conflict make it seem like the worst possible time to push a peace process. But it's never an ideal time - and the longer the delay, the harder it becomes.

Andrew Stroehlein, International Crisis Group

Estes 5 senhores são colaboradores de um site, que é uma excelente fonte de informação, o Open Democracy. Vale a pena passar por lá...

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