quarta-feira, janeiro 21, 2009

5 dias, 5 mensagens para Obama - day 3

As sábias palavras de Conor Gearty, sobretudo no que diz respeito à reacção de Obama à actuação do governo israelita:

"About the Barack Obama administration, please tell us:

1 one thing you hope for

2 one thing you fear

3 one piece of advice you would give"

1 That the United States returns to the community of states that share the values of democracy, respect for human rights and the rule of law - not as camouflages for selfish state action but rather as part of a genuine commitment to civilised cooperation

2 That President Obama will not dare to be different, will not seize the moment - and instead retreats into a bland centrism, thus failing to serve the interests of the American people and the people of the world

3 Use the monstrosity of Israel's Gaza war to challenge the Israeli government. For President Obama to say nothing about Gaza will be to give the Israelis a blank cheque - and Obama's cosmopolitanism will lie in shreds. If he is unable to confront Israel directly, a serious commitment by Obama to international law and the United Nations will transform the US's relationship with Israel in the medium-to-long term - for Israel needs to reject international law and the UN in order to act as it currently does.

Conor Gearty, professor, LSE

1 comentário:

Bruno Ramalho disse...

pelo que já se pode ver das decisões tomadas, não devemos ter muito medo desse segundo ponto... a ver vamos :)